Indiana Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Robin D Franks, P.G., CHMM, RSO (TGE Resources, Inc.)
35+ yrs. diverse experience, education, credentials & licensing in geology, biology, remediation, & hazardous materials management. For the built environment, I hold multiple credentials in asbestos, lead, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, mold... Learn More ›
James P Hogan (The ELAM Group)
Location: Indiana
Areas of Expertise: As President and CEO of The ELAM Group, James Hogan comes to work every day excited to lead the talented group of ELAM's technical experts, consultants and contractors. At our core, we strive to balance...
Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) FAQs

What is an above ground storage tank (ast) expert witness?

An above ground storage tank (AST) expert witness is someone who can provide testimony about the design, construction, and maintenance of ASTs. ASTs are used to store various liquids, including petroleum products, chemicals, and water.

What is the role of an above ground storage tank (ast) expert witness?

An above ground storage tank (AST) expert witness offers expertise on issues relating to the design, installation, and safety of above ground storage tanks.

How much can a person make as an above ground storage tank (ast) expert witness?

Above ground storage tank (ast) expert witnesses may have potential earnings between $225 and $400 per hour, or higher. The exact hourly rate is negotiated between the attorney and expert, who typically will have a retainer agreement.

What are the qualifications of an above ground storage tank (ast) expert witness?

An expert witness in above ground storage tank (AST) should have specialized knowledge in AST design, construction, maintenance, and regulatory compliance.

In legal proceedings, how is evidence gathered by an above ground storage tank (ast) expert witness?

An above ground storage tank expert witness gathers evidence through site inspections, reviewing documentation, conducting tests, and analyzing data to provide expert testimony in legal proceedings.

What types of cases involve expert opinions from an above ground storage tank (ast) expert witness?

Cases involving AST expert witnesses typically involve issues related to tank design, installation, maintenance, and inspection. These experts may also provide opinions on environmental contamination, safety regulations, and industry standards.