Illinois Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Expert Witnesses
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What is a post traumatic stress disorder expert witness?
A post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) expert witness is a mental health professional with specialized knowledge and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD, providing expert testimony in legal cases related to trauma, mental health, and disability.
What is the role of a post traumatic stress disorder expert witness?
Post-traumatic stress disorder expert witnesses provide opinions on the diagnosis, treatment, and effects of PTSD.
How much can a person make as a post traumatic stress disorder expert witness?
Post traumatic stress disorder expert witnesses may earn between $175 and $400 per hour, or more in some circumstances. The exact fee is agreed upon between the expert and the retaining lawyer.
What are the qualifications of a post traumatic stress disorder expert witness?
A post traumatic stress disorder expert witness should have knowledge of trauma, PTSD diagnosis, and treatment.
What type of evidence is gathered in a lawsuit by a post traumatic stress disorder expert witness?
A post traumatic stress disorder expert witness may gather evidence such as medical records, witness statements, and psychological evaluations to support their testimony in a lawsuit.
In what type of cases would there be testimony from a post traumatic stress disorder expert witness?
Post traumatic stress disorder expert witnesses may provide testimony in cases involving personal injury, medical malpractice, military service, sexual assault, domestic violence, and other traumatic events that may have caused PTSD.