Ohio Appraisal & Valuation Expert Witnesses
Consultants who are available to give opinions regarding appraisals and valuations can be found by clicking on the following links. Appraisers found here may give opinions regarding business valuations, automobile appraisals, and aviation valuation. These legal consultants may provide reports concerning oil and gas appraisal and personal property valuation. They may also testify regarding real estate appraisal, and antiques, art, and collectibles appraisal, among other topics.
Expert Witnesses
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Please click on one of the links to find consultants in that area of expertise.
- Antiques, Art, & Collectibles Appraisal
- Automobile Appraisal
- Automobile Dealerships
- Aviation Valuation
- Business Valuation
- Construction Damages
- Forensic Accounting
- Franchise Valuation
- Gems & Jewelry Appraisal
- Golf Course Appraisal
- Hotel Appraisal
- Intangible Assets Appraisal
- International Real Estate Valuation
- Livestock
- Lost Profits
- Machinery & Equipment Appraisal
- Medical Valuation
- Mineral Interests
- Musical Instrument Appraisal
- Oil & Gas Appraisal
- Personal Property Valuation
- Real Estate Valuation
- Restaurant Valuation
- Statistics
- Trade Secrets
- Trees Appraisal
- Utilities Appraisal
What is an appraisal & valuation expert witness?
An appraisal & valuation expert witness is someone who is an expert in the field of appraising and valuing real estate, personal property, business, intangible assets, machinery & equipment, and fine arts & collectibles.
What is the role of an appraisal & valuation expert witness?
The role of an appraisal and valuation expert witness is to provide expert testimony on the value of assets or properties in legal proceedings.
How much can a person make as an appraisal & valuation expert witness?
Appraisal & valuation expert witnesses may receive compensation ranging from $175 to $450 per hour, or higher in certain circumstances. The fee is agreed upon by the retaining attorney and the expert.
What are the qualifications of an appraisal & valuation expert witness?
To be an expert witness in appraisal and valuation, one should have relevant education, experience, and certification, such as an MAI or ASA.
For a case, how is evidence gathered by an appraisal & valuation expert witness?
An appraisal and valuation expert witness gathers evidence through research, analysis, and examination of relevant documents and property. They may also conduct interviews and site visits to support their findings.
What type of legal proceeding might require the testimony of an appraisal & valuation expert witness?
A legal proceeding that involves disputes over property value, such as divorce settlements, eminent domain cases, or insurance claims, may require the testimony of an appraisal and valuation expert witness.