Mr. Sean Shideh, P.E.
Northridge, CA 91324
Providing comprehensive expert consulting in automotive litigation cases:
• Automotive manufacturing and design defects analysis
• Seatbelt/Airbag design and protection performance analysis
• Vehicle suspension/handling testing and failure analysis
• Vehicle brake performance and failure analysis
• Vehicle fire root cause analysis
Mr. Shideh is a registered professional mechanical engineer in the state of California. Investigating various vehicle systems, including 16 years with Nissan North America since 1981. He has performed numerous vehicle crash and safety compliance tests under contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Mr. Shideh’s work included vehicle crashworthiness and structural integrity, occupant protection testing and evaluation, suspension, handling, brake performance, and fire investigation.
- Accident Investigation
- Accident Reconstruction
- Admiralty & Maritime
- All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)
- Amusement Parks
- Automobile Appraisal
- Automobile Dealerships
- Automobile Mechanical & Body Repair
- Automotive
- Automotive Engineering
- Bicycle
- Biomechanics
- Black Box/Data Recorder
- Boilers
- Bus & Truck Safety/Accident
- Child Safety
- Design Engineering
- Driver Behavior
- Elevator & Escalator
- Equipment & Machinery
- Failure Analysis
- Fatigue
- Fire
- Fitness Equipment
- Forensic Engineering
- Forklifts
- Fuels
- Gas Turbine Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Labels & Warnings
- Latches & Fasteners
- Lifts
- Machine Guarding
- Manufactured Homes
- Materials
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy
- Motorcycles
- Oil & Gas
- Products Liability
- Professional Engineering
- Robotics
- Seat Belts & Air Bags
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Snowmobiles
- Statistics
- Structural Engineering
- Tires
- Tractors
- Traffic/Highway Safety
- Transportation Engineering
- TurboMachinery
- Vibration Analysis
References upon request.